Sermons & Homilies

Bathed in Uncreated Light - A Sermon for the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas (2023)
Every single person in this church, every single person who has ever lived and will live, will unfailingly see and be immersed within the uncreated light of the Holy Trinity. Everyone, no matter who they are, no matter what they believe, no matter how they live, will unfailingly be resurrected—body and soul—when Christ comes again. All will be bathed in the unveiled glory of the fullness of His divinity.
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Honoring our Fathers and Mothers in the Faith - A Sermon for the Sunday of All Saints of Russia (2020)
Today, those who can, have gathered here to honor all the Saints of Russia. It is a land whose embrace of the Orthodox faith was paired with monasticism from its beginnings in the ancient Lavra of Kiev, and has influenced the world ever since. Although a godless and persecuting regime ruled over that land in the past century, the Christian faith was preserved, the blood of the martyrs watered the meadows of Rus’, and Christian life continues to flourish.
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A Higher Love: Sermon on St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
In other words, we have come to view Santa Claus in many ways as we view God: a benevolent (and mythical) character who asks nothing from us, and who exists only in order to give us exactly what we want. His one commandment: “Have it your way.” And we are only too happy to oblige.
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