Archimandrite Seraphim Hospitalized with Sepsis (UPDATED 1-31)

Archimandrite Seraphim Hospitalized with Sepsis (UPDATED 1-31) - Holy Cross Monastery

UPDATE 1-31-22

Fr. Seraphim remains in the ICU. Thank God, his bloodwork shows that the infection has largely been fought off. He has not had any fever in the last two days, and his blood pressure is good. The pleural effusion he developed last week has been mostly cleared up following a paracentesis (although another might be necessary at some point before he is discharged), which has greatly eased his breathing.

On the other hand, his kidney function remains reduced, and his atrial fibrillation is still very active despite being on medication meant to stabilize his heart rate. This especially has meant that he remains extremely exhausted. However he is in good spirits, and is receiving Holy Communion regularly.

Fr. Seraphim and all the brotherhood remain enormously grateful for everyone's prayers! Please continue to remember him and us until this trial is over.

UPDATE 1-27-22

As of early this morning, Fr. Seraphim has been moved to the ICU which has a more favorable nurse/patient ratio than the ER. His bloodwork is improving, although it shows that he is still fighting the infection. His atrial fibrillation, which was scheduled to be treated this week by an ablation which had to be postponed due to his going into septic shock, has been an added obstacle to his recovery throughout this ordeal. Other than his heart rate, his vitals have remained fairly stable over the last 24 hours thank God.

On Tuesday night Holy Unction was served for him in the hospital, and this morning he was able to make confession and receive Holy Communion. Miraculously, his severe atrial fibrillation went into remission just after receiving the Holy Mysteries. He is extremely exhausted but remains in good spirits. Your continued prayers are both sorely needed and deeply appreciated.

We will continue to share updates as we are able. Holy Great-Marty and Healer Panteleimon, pray to God for us!


Dear friends,

Yesterday while at a pre-op appointment for an upcoming surgical procedure, our abbot Archimandrite Seraphim developed a high fever and was taken to the ER. The doctors discovered that he has become septic and is in serious condition. He was of course admitted to the hospital, and will soon be transferred to the ICU for close observation. We ask everyone to pray fervently for Fr. Seraphim's swift healing. We will share updates as soon as we have them. Thank you!


  • Andrew Baalman

    Praying that Our Lord’s Divine Will be done and also to St. Seraphim of Sarov heal him, if it be according to Our Lord’s Will.

  • Rosa Mahand

    Praying incessantly for our Beloved Father Seraphim. May our most compassionate Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ give him great health, a swift recovery and His strength. We are praying for him and wish that our prayer be taken to Christ our God in the hands of Angels.

  • meg

    Oh, Lord! Thy will be done. Lord, have mercy on Your faithful servant, Seraphim.
    Please do keep doing updates.
    Prayers constantly on my heart.

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